Elgin Street Diner i Ottawa

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CanadaElgin Street Diner



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374, Elgin Street, K2P 1N1, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 613-237-9700
internet side: www.elginstreetdiner.com
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Latitude: 45.4149037, Longitude: -75.6880659

kommentar 5

  • en

    Karyn F


    I came here for supper and had a really good smoked meat sandwich with perfectly crisp french fries. It was so good that I came back for breakfast the next day. I ordered a breakfast club which I highly recommend. I also had excellent service both days. The staff is friendly and attentive to their customer's needs despite the busy, yet enjoyable atmoshphere.

  • Evan Krosney

    Evan Krosney


    Incredible poutine, mediocre service. Requested to move tables since we were stuck in a noisy spot surrounded by booths on all sides and were told a straight "no". Ordering was slow and the food took a while to arrive. The meal itslef was great and reasonably priced and the atmosphere was cool, but the service leaves something to be desired. Tip: get a chocolate milkshake with frozen banana mixed in. It's a huge portion so just ask for two cups and split it. You won't be disappointed.

  • Claudia G

    Claudia G


    Came here for breakfast/brunch. My husband and I both got the tater tot poutine and I will dream of it for years to come. Service was great and food was fantastic. They have a great operation going - the place was clean, staff was efficient and friendly, we didn’t wait long for our food or table and we left happy. Will definitely visit again!!

  • en

    Ross Halfyard


    Fantastic spot at all times of the day. I've been there for breakfast, lunch, and late night and at no point have found myself disappointed. The staff is quick, as is the food getting to the table. I once was talking to a friend about how I wanted a coffee and the server had a coffee on the table for me before I was even able to ask for it. If you have the chance, make the stop at literally anytime.

  • Jonathan Wafer Veillette

    Jonathan Wafer Veillette


    I went for breakfast with some colleagues for the first time. They took the reservation and we arrived everything was ready for us. The staff was really friendly. The property of the place is somewhat just fine. It could be cleaner. 2 of us had to ask for new utensils because the one on the table were a little bit dirty. The food was OK. Big portions for the price. Some omelets were a little bit too dry. My eggs and bacon was overcooked. For the price, it's still a good place if you want to have a big breakfast.

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