Crestwood Motel i Burlington

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaCrestwood Motel


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527, Plains Road East, L7T 2E2, Burlington, Halton Regional Municipality, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 905-634-6119
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Latitude: 43.3201111, Longitude: -79.8358911

kommentar 5

  • en

    Donna Krysto


    Fast internet, clean rooms.

  • en

    Jeff Coolich


    Stayed here earlier in the week. Friendly staff who were very friendly and accommodating. Easy place to stay for a short term visit at a very affordable price.

  • Kerri Burke

    Kerri Burke


    Just checked in and very unhappy won't be back internet doesn't reach the room and cable doesn't work when we told the guy he said it's cogeco's fault so I'm guessing everyone else here has working cable well why not give Mr another box or fix the problem not even a discount or nothing.

  • en

    Airel Warren


    I would give it no stars if possible, manager doesn't know what she's doing. Bed bugs, trashy tiny rooms, and 24/7 drunk staff. Would never recommend.

  • Patrick McMillan

    Patrick McMillan


    Pretty much a run down roadside motel. The seemingly drunk front desk attendant wouldn't stop rambling on. I just wanted to get some rest. Throughout the night every 3 min I'd hear a loud bang like a hammer on a plumbing pipe. Extremely irritating! Not worth the price! I've paid far less for far better. An out of place motel for the nice city of Burlington.

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