Canadas Best Value Inn - Burlington/Hamilton i Burlington

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CanadaCanadas Best Value Inn - Burlington/Hamilton



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2404, Queensway Drive, L7R 3T3, Burlington, Halton Regional Municipality, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 905-637-1547
internet side:
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Latitude: 43.3488923, Longitude: -79.8058422

kommentar 5

  • en

    Tee Vee


    Stayed here for work, nicely renovated rooms. Stayed on the second floor. Worth the price!

  • Jeanette



    Horrible. Uncomfortable beds. Room was freezing. There is nothing near by for food or necessities. The staff was rude in the morning. The prices were different online than to when i got there posted on sign and different again when i went to pay.

  • Shane Meador

    Shane Meador


    You get what you pay for. It's a little far but the rooms are super clean and the staff is friendly

  • en

    William Thomson


    Bed Bugs, and cockroaches this place is Very grimy and the kind of people who rent these rooms is much to be desired. Like a bad horror movie. Everything about this motel is unkept.

  • en

    Austin Smith


    Worst place ever. Only care about getting their money at the end of the day. Blood on room wall didn't move me until I told them that I'm decided to check out. Then they put me in another room and I caught a bed bug crawling above my wife's hair. I brought it down and they refuse to do anything. I have to stay in this room till the morning.. I repeat WORST! 0/10 stars. Go see for yourself, but consider yourself warned!

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