City View Inn i Burlington

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaCity View Inn



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1400, Plains Road West, L7T 1H6, Burlington, Halton Regional Municipality, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 289-245-1133
internet side:
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Latitude: 43.2952575, Longitude: -79.8921325

kommentar 5

  • Debbie DeWitt Stellrecht

    Debbie DeWitt Stellrecht


    Good basic accommodation, with few frills, but very clean and comfortable. Would definitely stay again.

  • en

    Raven Starr


    Very clean. Comfortable. Reasonably priced.

  • en



    Clean and spacious room. Bathroom was spotless. Bed was nice. Walls were a bit too thin though.

  • en

    Operations Quiet Nature


    Nice place, friendly staff. I spent a week here working on a construction project in the area. Rooms and the outside spaces are clean and tidy. Nice have a fridge and microwave in the room. I would come back.

  • Shannon Way

    Shannon Way


    For a motel it is very well upgraded. Keeping in mind it is still only a motel. It had a nicely renovated bathrooms. Very modern bedspreads. It was clean. There were still some outdated pieces of furniture. But it was much better then i was expecting it to be so i was pleasantly surprised. The check in at the front desk was very friendly and nice. Its very small front desk. And you have some complimentary oatmeal and coffee/tea. But it was so inexpensive and it didnt feel cheap. It was way out of the way. Not really near anything. But easy access to highway.

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