Copper Spirits and Sights i Ottawa

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CanadaCopper Spirits and Sights



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325, Dalhousie Street, K1N 7G1, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canadá
kontakter telefon: +1 613-321-1234
internet side:
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Latitude: 45.4287267, Longitude: -75.6907851

kommentar 5

  • en

    Scott Williams


    Excellent lounge with amazing views of the city! Everyone should experience this lounge at least once.

  • David Kidd

    David Kidd


    At the east end of the Byward Market atop the Andaz hotel. A great panorama of Ottawa spread out below. Summer patio. Quick, attentive bartenders, table service. Parking in the market or at the hotel, all $.

  • Emma



    Fantastic views, but pricey and the service is.. "okay". I think the cheapest glass of wine is for about $11. I don't know if they were short staffed or what, but the waiter will forget your order and will put the glass of water in your table, right in the corner, almost tossing it to go... fast? Polite when he was speaking though, just ... a bit clumsy? Or distracted? Anyways. The place is worth it for the views. The tables and the chairs are supposed to be pretty and trendy, but they are not very well thought and extremely uncomfortable. The chairs are too low and and you cannot put your legs beneath the table! If you can, choose the booths.

  • en

    Fraser Stalkie


    Great views of the city. Really good drinks. The DJ was having tech issues but not the bars fault. Very swanky place!

  • Zenah Surani

    Zenah Surani


    Great view! Went here after work for drinks on a sunny, warm day. We were told that it was an hour wait for a spot outside. Not wanting to sit inside on such a great day, we asked if we could just check out the view outside, and the host allowed us to. Once outside, we sat down on a ledge and took in the view. The server ended up taking our drink order, so we ended up having a nice time on the patio! Would return for the view for sure!

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