Canada Aviation and Space Museum i Ottawa

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CanadaCanada Aviation and Space Museum



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11, Aviation Parkway, K1K 2X5, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 613-993-2010
internet side:
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Latitude: 45.458542, Longitude: -75.644077

kommentar 5

  • Thierry Alexandre Leguay

    Thierry Alexandre Leguay


    Évidemment, il faut s'intéresser à l'aviation. C'est un grand hangar avec des avions datant des frères Wright à aujourd'hui. Plusieurs avions des deux guerres mondiales sont vraiment impressionnants. Il y a une section sur l'agence spatiale canadienne et un Canadarm 1. Il y a une boutique, un café, des installations propres et modernes, un terrain de jeux et quelques attraits pour les petits. Je recommande de faire une visite guidée et de profiter des différentes démonstrations (vérifier l'horaire).

  • Sri Putri Julio

    Sri Putri Julio


    For aviation enthusiasts. There were a lot of airplanes with some additional paid simulators. Possibly informative and educational if you read all the wall texts and labels. I enjoyed my 30mins walk around all the exhibits. Pity that some information panels were not working/lighted so I could not read them.

  • en

    M F


    This museum was a 4.5 star which gets rounded up to 5. Some of the areas were closed because of lack of volunteers which was unfortunate. Some interactive stuff for kids to handle which is nice and they loved. Would have loved to see the inside of a fuselage and be able to sit in it as a group and really get the feeling of being in an aircraft. Lots to do in such a small area. The space shuttle exhibit was very well done and I'd go back just for that (without the kids). Well laid out and a good use of space.

  • en

    Angus Brochez


    Really great experience! Great for kids and adults alike. Massive spaces and plenty of interesting attractions( too many to count). Plenty of details about the evolution of plains, and how Canada has contributed to their evolution. Wheelchair access, gift shop, a cafe. The space section is equally interesting with videos and pictures of different launches, experiments done, and Canada's contributions.

  • Valerie Charbonneau

    Valerie Charbonneau


    Great place to visit. Excellent for kids as well. Especially enjoyed reading about the Canadian space agency and watching videos from missions and looking at examples of food, sleeping arrangements and daily life. Spectacular collection of planes to impress all levels of interests. The cafe did not have much in the way of food available, only vending machines and drinks so don't bank on eating lunch here.

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