Winners i Ottawa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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155, Queen Street, K1P 6L1, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 613-594-8825
internet side:
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Latitude: 45.4215562, Longitude: -75.6993296

kommentar 5

  • Kris R

    Kris R


    This Winners location has gone from cluttered mess to 100%. I used to think twice about coming here after a very disappointing visit a couple of months ago but I was surprised to come back to a well-run store a few days ago. Dont let the size discourage you: there's a great variety of premium brands in this store, more so than other locations like the one on Bayshore or St. Laurent. The items also look like it's taken care of more, even their clearance aisle is pristine unlike the bigger locations which would be full of missing or torn items. Their jewelry section also reflects this, as they carry premium watch brands like Mido, Alpina, and Citizen.

  • en

    Nathan Sells


    Shopping at this Winners is a bit like shopping at a thrift store. There's a very quick turnover in stock and a lot of items no one would really want, but there are a few gems and some great sales. The menswear section tends to be a little lean, and there's very little in the way of housewares. Then again the variety here is really astounding for such a small location, so you never quite know what you'll find.

  • en

    Daniel Irigoyen


    Excellent place to get nice clothes at affordable prices. They have a wide selection of different kinds of clothes, as well as other articles, such as board games, candies and beauty products. Service is excellent and fast, but you have to be there at the right times since they run out of items, logically.

  • Irene Christoforou-Jack

    Irene Christoforou-Jack


    This has to be the best winners in ottawa as for staffing. They are extremely helpful, Kind, and considerate and have gone above and beyond to help me, I've even seen them allow me to finish shopping after closing time!!!! This store and all its employees deserve to be honored for their Excellency in customer service. 😊

  • Christine D.

    Christine D.


    Love the convenient location. Not as big as most Winners locations, but this store is well packed with new things all the time. I often find unique clothes at good prices. They also have a good cosmetics and beauty section, seasonal items, snacks and treats etc...Something for everyone.

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