Wild Willies Vapors de Sudbury

CanadaWild Willies Vapors



🕗 horaire

1827, Lasalle Boulevard, P3A 2A3, Sudbury, Greater Sudbury Division, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 705-805-6840
site web: www.williesvapes.ca
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 46.5217918, Longitude: -80.9308044

commentaires 5

  • en

    Sandra Bureau


    Good works and very helpful

  • Cory A

    Cory A


    Starting originally get a selection!

  • MegaCophater



    Wonderful service by a friendly worker, picked up myself a new tank for my eGo one v2 battery on the 21st, reasonable prices, bought a tank and the first one was too tight to open from either side, staff was more than friendly enough to exchange it.. So far I haven't burnt any coils, like I used to with the original tank.. I highly recommend anyone looking to get into vaping to look these guys for your vaping needs, loving the vapor flavor output from my Eleaf Melo III.. Thanks for reading.

  • en



    Very pleasant staff...helpful..excellent service and products. Any problems you have they make it right would recommend this establishment to everyone who wants to quit smoking!!!!

  • Justin Schell

    Justin Schell


    Nice shop with a relatively large choice of equipment and juice. Customer service was very good. Answered my questions with some knowledge to back it up. For a Northern Ontario vape shop this is about as good as they come. Perfect for the beginners and the people looking to upgrade or try something new.

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