Quiznos de Sudbury




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1560, Lasalle Boulevard, P3A 1Z7, Sudbury, Greater Sudbury Division, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 705-675-7782
site web: www.quiznos.ca
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 46.522443, Longitude: -80.9391426

commentaires 5

  • T M

    T M


    Food is always great! Staff is friendly. Really enjoy going to Quiznos. Always have a good experience at both locations in Sudbury. I would recommend the Meatball sub.

  • Rennee Beland

    Rennee Beland


    I never get over how much I love the the steak peppercorn sub. Best sub ever. And the service on LaSalle is amazing they were so kind and courteous to my son is he was beyond excited choosing his toppings and meat options. As a mother you can truly respect and appreciate any company to treat your child like a human being. We both loved our sandwiches and we will definitely be going back time and time again. I highly recommend the LaSalle location in Sudbury Ontario to anyone who is looking for fast efficient service and an amazing sub sandwich

  • Shane Ellsworth

    Shane Ellsworth


    I highly recommend this place to anyone who wants a sandwich, and receive something completely different from their order. But hey, its like Christmas with every unwrapping! 2 stars because the restaurant was very clean.

  • Matthew Prusila

    Matthew Prusila


    Great food, friendly staff. Reasonable prices. Always fresh... However toppings are getting a little less.

  • en

    Maurice King


    Good food just leaves you hungry even after a 12". It's almost like they don't put enough of anything in the sub

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