Vans de Vancouver




🕗 horaire

772, Granville Street, V6Z 1E4, Vancouver, Greater Vancouver, CA Canadá
contact téléphone: +1 604-974-9900
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.2815678, Longitude: -123.119238

commentaires 5

  • Damion Ceniccola

    Damion Ceniccola


    Huge store with a ton of great stuff. Shoes, shirts, hoodies, jackets, accessories and more. We were treated well and found great stuff on sale.

  • ko

    Tae Young Bang


    가방하나 사러 들어갔다가 가방을 샀음. 계산대 직원이 너무 느릿느릿해서 오래걸리긴 했지만 나쁘지 않음. 친절함.

  • Lauren Reid

    Lauren Reid


    Greeted at the store front, was given enough time to look around and wasn't constantly asked 'can i help you' every 30 seconds, which was nice! Service was great and the guy that helped me gave me a few tips on when to look for the best deals with Van sneakers and clothing!

  • Gerrad Hanson

    Gerrad Hanson


    Staff are great. Very friendly and helpful

  • Deniz Bilgin

    Deniz Bilgin


    The store is nice and spacious. The employees are super helpful. They will occasionally try to sell you socks (I've heard there's a sock sale competition between the employees, probably that's why). I always end up buying from the kids section as my EUR36 feet equal to a 4.5 Vans, which is a bit disappointing considering I'm usually ok with a size 5.5 with other brands.

Magasin de chaussures la plus proche

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