UTHRIVE de Calgary




🕗 horaire

602, 11 Avenue Southwest, T2R 1M7, Calgary, Division No. 6, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 403-530-0000
site web: www.uthrive.ca
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 51.0429971, Longitude: -114.0747323

commentaires 5

  • Shanes Phone

    Shanes Phone


    Ben is one of the few chiropractors that you can really trust. If you're scared of chiropractors, then you need to come here and see how genuine and professional he is. He'll only do what needs to be done.

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    Shauna Chappell


    Can't say enough good things about this place. Very professional, knowledgeable staff that don't fix you just enough for you to keep having to go back.

  • Jonas Claesson

    Jonas Claesson


    I started going here because it was close to my work... but now I work in the south but still drive downtown just so I can see Benjamin. I've seen 3 other chiropractors in Calgary in the past and I prefer this place... Another bonus is their online booking system, which is very fast and easy to use.

  • Taylor Walker

    Taylor Walker


    Can't recommend these guys enough! Friendly staff and excellent service - I've gone in for Chiro, Acupuncture and Massage. Everything was professional and well organized.

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    Karli McCabe


    The admin staff are great and are you are always greeted with a smile when you arrive. I have chronic tension headaches and migraines for all of my adult life so far. I have been on every drug for pain you can imagine and have seen multiple doctors. I see Dr. Jesperson for active release therapy and some adjustments on my neck. I also see Michael for massage. These two guys are the best at what they do. My pain level before was so high I was unable to work and had no quality of life. Now I'm back at work part time and I'm not calling in sick anymore! They are both very professional and work well with the patient, making sure you understand how they can help. I definitely recommend this clinic to anyone who has chronic pain issues and is willing to work at improving their quality if life.

Physiothérapeute la plus proche

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