Action Sports Clinic de Calgary

CanadaAction Sports Clinic



🕗 horaire

639, 5 Avenue Southwest, T2P 0M9, Calgary, Division No. 6, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 403-263-2225
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 51.0486023, Longitude: -114.0756281

commentaires 5

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    Kristen Roberts


    Such amazing service! I felt so welcomed and taken care of. If you’re looking for an amazing physiotherapist, ask for Jeannine. She’s so nice and is VERY good at what she does! Overall a wonderful experience with a terrible injury.

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    Garn Morris


    Some of the best staff that "actually" do care that you are improving health wise. They take the time and effort to get you back up and running.

  • Robert Leeds

    Robert Leeds


    Awesomeness, is the one word I use to describe the Action Sports Clinic team. They help mend me up when I don't keep the rubber side down, go whisky throttle and when crashing into trees in winter and summer.

  • Torval Mork

    Torval Mork


    I've been a client of Action Sports Clinic for many years, and they always put me back together so I am ready for my next adventure.

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    Chad Ford


    Knowledgeable, friendly and intuitive staff. Allison is the best physio I've worked with and Dr Sean is a natural healer.

Physiothérapeute la plus proche

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