Urban Fare de Vancouver

CanadaUrban Fare



🕗 horaire

1688, Salt Street, V5Y 0E4, Vancouver, Greater Vancouver, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 604-872-2730
site web: www.urbanfare.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.2707568, Longitude: -123.1055879

commentaires 5

  • Noreen Segui

    Noreen Segui


    If you are looking for plain cheesecake, come to this location. Their cheesecake is comparable to the one at True Confection and the price difference is huge.

  • Christian Clado

    Christian Clado


    Tried there breakfast for the first time. It's not too bad. Typical eggs, sausage and cinnamon toast. I also got there wedges which are my favorite!

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    I use to really like this Urban Fare, they had decent hot bar food and the prices were alright. I know Urban Fare is usually a little more expensive but in the last 6~ months its gotten totally out of hand at this location. Its insane how much they penny pinch you now. Plenty of better lunch options in the area and buy-low up Main St has much cheaper groceries.

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    jack g m w


    Very clean, organized and pleasant. Pricey! A nice ready made hot food area, coffee and seating with WiFi. Very nicely laid out and well presented, staff is good, friendly and professional.

  • Sara Pedlow

    Sara Pedlow


    We shop here for convenience because it's in our neighborhood, but sometimes we pay a premium for that convenience. I'm sure we could get a lot of our groceries for less money somewhere else. That said, Urban Fare does carry a lot of unique, fun items which are fun for when we want to try something new. The produce aisle is a bit limited and you have to be careful, at least in the Olympic Village location, because sometimes things are overripe or have gone bad. I find this is especially so with the prepackaged mushrooms, which have been moldy on more than one occasion. Sometimes Urban Fare also carries cool novelty items like cute terrariums or $100 square watermelons. It has almost everything we need and it's fun to explore.

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