Tsui King Lau Restaurant de Saskatoon

CanadaTsui King Lau Restaurant



🕗 horaire

208, Avenue H North, S7L 2B7, Saskatoon, Division No. 11, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 306-665-8866
site web: tsuikinglaufood.wix.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 52.131182, Longitude: -106.680927

commentaires 5

  • Rob Engel

    Rob Engel


    Always love the food here. Singapore noodles and deep fried shrimp rolls are a must have. I've never been disappointed.

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    G Yee


    Great place for lunch. Inexpensive lunch menu. Very tasty.

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    Jeremy Wilkins


    Best Chinese restaurant with an authentic menu. The place is good for medium sized gatherings. My colleagues and I often visit for lunch.

  • Torem777



    Service not great but food was quite good.

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    Andrew Loken


    Unfortunately they use cheaper ingredients and have very little seasoning so that the food is bland. However they are popular so some of the people must like it. Given that their prices are quite high I cannot recommend eating here.

Restaurant la plus proche

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