Subway de Saskatoon




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1601, 22 Street West, S7M 0T2, Saskatoon, Division No. 11, CA Canadá
contact téléphone: +1 306-380-5905
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 52.128955, Longitude: -106.694663

commentaires 5

  • en

    Jordan Haining


    One of the best Subwaysin the city. They fill the meat scoop instead of half full like others. They build the sandwiches well and fold without the use of a knife. A++

  • Ken Munro

    Ken Munro


    Friendly staff and heathy food how can you go wrong

  • en

    Joe Muller


    My son and I stopped by for a quick sandwich each and were greeted when we got home with my sons name next to a smiley face on his. A little extra effort by the staff that made our night. Thank you.

  • en

    Shelly Carter


    I always go here and I have nothing wrong to say when it comes to food quality, my sub is always perfectly served. My only concern is, for many times that I have to use the washroom, it's locked. And there's this staff (woman who do the cashiering)who tells me always that the womens washroom is flooded or clogged. Seriously? I almost come 3 or 4 times a week, I get the same reason? Unless this staff just don't want the washroom be used at all? Well I do understand that it is hard to maintain the cleanliness of the washroom but it doesn't mean that anyone can be stopped from using so. Or if it is really flooded or clogged, has it not been reported to the management or the owner to get it fixed? I would never want to end up using the mens washroom ever again.

  • Ava Kins

    Ava Kins


    VERY friendly staff. It has been the same ladies there for quite a while and they are always smiling and I notice they remember orders for regular customers. The food has always been fresh and the bread is always nice. My family of 6 all like this location.

Restaurant la plus proche

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