Three Treasures Tonics de Saskatoon

CanadaThree Treasures Tonics



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214, 20th Street East, S7K 0A6, Saskatoon, Division No. 11, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 52.1256339, Longitude: -106.6645877

commentaires 5

  • Vio Ludusan

    Vio Ludusan


    Great place to have some amazing drinks. The staff is very friendly and you feel very welcomed. I'll be visiting that place every time I go to Saskatoon. Highly recommend it.

  • Bliss Bloom

    Bliss Bloom


    This place is a hidden gem!! The best teas and tonics in town!! love this place, so cozy and inviting!!!

  • Shawn Setyo

    Shawn Setyo


    Come here to relax and get away from the stresses of the city. Enjoy tonics and drinks that will help with balancing oneself. A healthy alternative.

  • en

    G Jensen


    Excellent product, knowledge, and aesthetically pleasing environment. Only problem was some extreme rudeness from the young lady who was preparing and serving our orders, when conversation briefly touched on a historical news topic she didn't like. This employee or owner, not sure which, needs to learn some manners. I would suggest tactfully changing the subject rather than bluntly telling off a paying customer. Would gladly return, but not to be served by that individual again. Would give 5 stars were it not for our experience being ruined by this most unfortunate incident.

  • Ang H

    Ang H


    Amazing personalized service! So many specialty drinks to choose from and the staff will spend the time to talk about all of them if you like! I was super impressed with the service. Will be back again soon

Café la plus proche

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