Thompson Veterinary Clinic de Thompson

CanadaThompson Veterinary Clinic



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40, Nelson Road, R8N 0B4, Thompson, Division No. 22, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 204-778-8309
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 55.7406151, Longitude: -97.8449648

commentaires 5

  • Wade Mercer

    Wade Mercer


    The staff is very friendly, extremely knowledgeable and actually care for my dogs. We live very far north and they are our only option unless we head south to wpg. for a visit. So we have made them our primary vet. That being said if there were more options available, we would still take our animals to them! Very happy with every visit we have had with them. The only downside is since they cover a large northern region, they are booked up far in advance.. We have had to use their emergency drop in service. Pricing seems reasonable and after the emergency appointment we walked away not feeling like we were taken to the cleaners. That is important to me and most people I assume. They are great at what they do and are a pleasure to deal with. Great Job to the team working together over there helping everyone's critters!

  • Michelle Bruneau

    Michelle Bruneau


    They are great. The animals are treated very good.

  • Isabel Thompson

    Isabel Thompson


    "I'm giving My Vet's five stars for their amazing service. Both Vets & Staff are welcoming and very friendly. Nino & Pulga are always welcomed with friendly faces and their smiles. Thompson's Veterinary Clinic is wonderful 🐩🐱🌟

  • Cody Caron

    Cody Caron


    Amazing service. They truly do care about your pets. Thank you. My little boy is now doing 100% better.

  • Janice Overend

    Janice Overend


    Found a stray cat on my construction site, and gave it a few weeks to see if someone would claim her (no one did). Decided to take her back to Edmonton to give her a forever-home. My flight was on a Thursday and I called the clinic explaining my situation. The cat needed shots and certificates before she would be allowed in the plane. The staff here took it on like a mini-mission and found time to squeeze me in. Thanks again for your help ladies!

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