Port lotniczy Saskatoon de Saskatoon

CanadaPort lotniczy Saskatoon


pas d'information

🕗 horaire

2625, Airport Drive, S7L 7L1, Saskatoon, Division No. 11, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 306-975-8900
site web: skyxe.ca
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 52.1745886, Longitude: -106.7004823

commentaires 5

  • Gerard McCall

    Gerard McCall


    The Canada Remembers Airshows were brilliant when I lived there.

  • en

    Brandon Golding


    I love the airport since they did renovations. Added a great modern feel to it, while still being warm and cozy. Good work Saskatoon

  • Bryan Tam

    Bryan Tam


    Nothing special about this airport. The Starbucks is closed early. No good food options. AVOID the restaurant next to the Tim Hortons on the second floor. The food is expensive, badly made, salty and unhealthy. Remember to bring food because when you get here, it's pricey. Or save your money buy it on the airplane. What I applaud them with is cleanliness. Mind you if you don't get much traffic, not hard to ensure that it's clean.

  • J Patel

    J Patel


    Little airport. Quick luggage. Easy pickups

  • Carma Daria Companiona

    Carma Daria Companiona


    Good little airport...clean and easy to find your way around it. However, there are very few options for meals especially in the morning when Tim Horton's serves only breakfast. Parking is easily accessible. There is a free cellphone parking lot a few blocks from the airport which permits people to wait close by till they get a call from arriving passengers.

Aéroport la plus proche

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