The Guest Room de Ottawa

CanadaThe Guest Room



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270, Catherine Street, K1R 5T3, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 613-798-2552
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.4082397, Longitude: -75.6943964

commentaires 5

  • D DeRidder

    D DeRidder


    We’re very happy with the murphy bed that we purchased from the Guest Room. The staff were very helpful and pleasant to interact with. They were very receptive to all our questions and preferences and offered good suggestions to meet our requirements. The turnaround time was fast and the installation quick and clean with excellent service through the whole process. They have a nice show room and if you find what you like you can buy it with confidence.

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    Art Hill


    Definitely a good selection of wall beds and cabinet beds. Very friendly and knowledgeable staff.

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    Don Angelico


    Excellent personalized service. Really a pleasure doing business here. And completely satisfied with the product and installation. I would heartily recommend to a friend.

  • Tracy Levert

    Tracy Levert


    The staff is super friendly and knowledgeable. Products are top notch. Beautiful selection of wall beds. Something for everyone

  • Len Johnson

    Len Johnson


    Great staff who are very familiar with their products.

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