The Garage de Ottawa

CanadaThe Garage



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280, Catherine Street, K1R 5T3, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 613-235-5011
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.4080897, Longitude: -75.6947016

commentaires 5

  • sean Elliott

    sean Elliott


    Well, I own a dodge, and thats just awesome, not sure about the other review from Rod, he clearly doesn't know how to shop for a garage. I can honestly say you don't get much better in service, quality to repair, and value for your money with these folks. I came in looking for tires, found them, then had them installed and balanced with ease, then I found myself coming back to them for some mod work, and they took the time to do a road test, also allow me to see what the problem instead of just tell me blindly over charging. They are a great family run business, where good east coast people make a difference with a smile while delivering quality tradesmen work! They are experts at what they do, have the certificates to prove it, and work with you instead of hood wink yah! The reviews state the average is awesome of good service to bad service with them. I have been to over 20 + garages over 20+ years and I would happily send anyone to the garage for good service, great chocolate bars, and good quality work just in time!!! Get ur dun!

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    Great shop. I've been going here my for a few years, very reliable and down to earth.

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    Gregg Kennedy


    Friendly, informative service. Accommodated me on short notice twice; checked my vehicle and referred me to another garage w/o charge. Rates are competitive, Highly recommended.

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    Darryl Lim


    I've been going to The Garage for almost a decade. Jeremy and his team are always honest, fast and efficient, and the customer experience exceeds my expectations every time! It is certainly a refreshing change to have a local garage that is honest and maintains your car without making you feel like you are getting "sold to" unlike many other dealerships. As an entrepreneur, I'm happy to support local businesses that offer value for their services at an affordable price. I have nothing but great things to say about The Garage and continue to refer many friends and associates here.

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    Michael Hamm


    I have gone to THE Garage for about 7 years now. Jeremy is an expert at what he does, and he is extremely fair and honest. He is thorough and he is a great mechanic...he actually fixes things, he is not just a parts changer. He treats every customer as if they are his close personal friends, and much of his clientelle have become just that. He is that garage that you look for in a city. I have read the below comment about the paint job debacle. Jeremy does not paint cars. Jeremy does not do body work. If he was kind enough to lend one of his bays to someone to help out a customer in that vein, then that customer's complaint is not with Jeremy. I find it distasteful that Mr Head sought to discredit Jeremy's business and reputation simply because the individual he has an axe to grind with does not have a business site he can complain to. Shame on you, Mr Head. Jeremy is too nice a man to say anything bad about anyone...but I am not that nice at all...I will call you what you are...a miscreant who fled to BC without paying the total amount you claim to have paid. You are a common troll, sir.

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