The Deck de Whitehorse

CanadaThe Deck


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4051, 4 Avenue, Y1A 1H1, Whitehorse, Yukon, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 867-667-4471
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 60.7147407, Longitude: -135.0520402

commentaires 5

  • en

    Jared Dulac


    The service wasn't that great, waited 45 minutes for my food. Drinks were mixed up and the foods were a "hit and miss". There was one good waiter though, I made sure to tip for his services.

  • Ryan Gould

    Ryan Gould


    Food is decent. A little pricey for what you get.

  • Andrea Spallanzani

    Andrea Spallanzani


    Great lunch, nice casual restaurant, good food options.

  • Kai Miller

    Kai Miller


    Reliable. Decent local beer, good pub food, and usually fairly quiet.

  • en

    s es


    The service was absolutely amazing both times i was there. Food was awesome. Have the Elk burger. Had the same server both times. Ask for Rosie! Hands down best server in Whitehorse.

Restaurant la plus proche

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