G & P Steakhouse & Pizza de Whitehorse

CanadaG & P Steakhouse & Pizza



🕗 horaire

209, Main Street, Y1A 2B2, Whitehorse, Yukon, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 867-668-4708
site web: gandpsteakhouse.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 60.7191761, Longitude: -135.0533582

commentaires 5

  • Mark McKinnon

    Mark McKinnon


    Busy place with great food. It's hard to get a reservation on a Friday or Saturday without making it a week prior.

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    David Urquhart


    Arrived early so not many other people yet. The food was good, and service was excellent.

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    Kierra FineDay


    The first night that I had supper at this restaurant, the service was good, the food was good and I enjoyed my time with friends. As someone who is not from the Yukon, I had imagined how great it would be to bring my family back to this restaurant the next time that I am in Whitehorse; my 2nd visit to this restaurant has changed my opinion. I will no longer dine at this restaurant and recommend against it to my friends and family who are visiting the Yukon. The service was terrible. We had made a reservation, but we were not seated until 1/2 an hour after our reservation time. The waitress was very rude throughout our entire dining experience, serving us with an impatient tone and slamming water glasses on the table - not to mention, the owner of this restaurant was eating at the table right next to us (witnessing this poor level of service, and saying nothing). We waited nearly an hour and a half for our food to arrive at our table. By the end of our stay, I felt that we were more of a burden than guests, and that should never be the case when entering a business... especially one with a pricey menu. I regret spending one of my last outings with my friends in the Yukon at this establishment. However, Giorgio's Cuccina was incredibly welcoming for dessert.

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    Joel Campbell


    Ordered chicken souvlaki along with another person at our table. Both arrived with burned chicken and undercooked rice. Lamb souvlaki ordered at our table was overcooked and rice was undercooked. Pizza ordered at the table was perfectly cooked and delicious. Waitress was very friendly and attentive.

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    Geoff Johnston


    For the price, food and service I thought this place was awesome. Don't expect Hy's or Gotham etc. If that's what you're used to. Would recommend, would go again.

Restaurant la plus proche

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