Metro de Ottawa




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2515, Bank Street, K1V 8R9, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 613-731-7410
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.354873, Longitude: -75.644211

commentaires 5

  • Abdalah Dia

    Abdalah Dia


    About as good as any Metro can be. Has stock, has the stuff you need. Not going to give it a lower score just because it's more pricey than most places, kinda have to accept it when you shop here. Staff are nice enough at cash and on the floor if you need a hand. Typically not that busy, even though I'd say it's one of the busier locations.

  • Mark Taylor

    Mark Taylor


    Good grocery store. Always friendly staff and full shelves. My favourite is the bakery and the great cheese bread.

  • en

    Raeda Masri


    Convenient hours and very friendly staff. I love to buy flowers from this location. One star removed because it is a little more expensive than Food Basics.

  • Brittney & Rocco Micucci

    Brittney & Rocco Micucci


    Typical grocery store but staff are not very helpful. Deli people are a bit careless. Good bread though. Selection of items is only okay.

  • Denzel Agyekum

    Denzel Agyekum


    Awesome staff, food and prices! There's always sales going on (who doesn't love sales). :)

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