The Bike Shop de Calgary

CanadaThe Bike Shop



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801, 11 Avenue Southwest, T2R 0E6, Calgary, Division No. 6, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 403-264-0735
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 51.04263, Longitude: -114.0794441

commentaires 5

  • en

    Daryl B


    Sales staff went out of their way to make sure that the bike I purchased was right for me. Service techs set up the bike perfectly and installed purchased accessories for free. Also, their bike selection is excellent.

  • Mark G. Snell

    Mark G. Snell


    I've had a lot of exposure to the team at downtown Bike Shop, since we bought some bikes for the family. We've been back for accessories and service installations. Ryan, James, Jon and the whole team have been great. Everyone is knowledgeable and helpful, with the way they take care of you before and after sales. Really can't rave enough. Highly recommended.

  • Geoffrey Gagne

    Geoffrey Gagne


    Seriously the best shop I've ever dealt with. My bike was stolen and I was paid out by insurance, I then came and picked up a bike from these fine folks .super helpful staff and friendly as can be. The police ended up recovering my bike and so I didn't need the new one so I brought it back to these guys and they returned it with no hassle whatsoever. Can't recommend them enough! Nicest folks around

  • en

    cama4 actual


    They have bikes. And parts. And they are helpful. A good place to find everyday kind of brands, nothing really boutique or unusual.

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    Ciprian Abaco


    These guys always help me out on the go, don't even charge me for quick adjustments or fixes, and explain what they're doing so I learn it myself as well. Great service. The positive vibes bring me back every time.

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