Power In Motion de Calgary

CanadaPower In Motion



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200, Barclay Parade Southwest, T2P 4R5, Calgary, Division No. 6, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 403-233-8841
site web: powerinmotion.ca
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 51.0522654, Longitude: -114.0683178

commentaires 5

  • en

    karen d


    After a serious accident i needed heated gloves if i was going to have any chance of returning to work. Without them i risk frostbite. I decided on power in motion. I am happy with them .This winter i decided it was time for a back-up set. In an effort to save money i decided to order from a company that starts with a V. My new set from the V company are disappointing .[wasted money] I will be doing business with power in motion until i retire from the post office . When i have the gloves on high i know i've got warmth.[love it!] There is no comparison with the other company. I'll bite the bullet, pay more because now i know it's worth it to me all day long! [ I have one small complaint about P.I.M battery pack the design can be better. The company who's name starts with a V has a good design no wires coming from the actual pack ,it's a plug. Wires from the glove go directly into the battery pack plug! ]

  • en

    Barry Langford


    Just ordered a complete set of the heated glove liners with batteries, stickman attachment and charger. The rep was super helpful and answered all of my questions......not only regarding the product but the shipping details as well. Hoping the product lives up to the level of service from the sales staff!

  • Ian Loughead

    Ian Loughead


    I bought the Power In Motion battery powered Heated Gloves for use in winter commuter cycling. The gloves are great and kept my fingers warm and happy on my hour long ride to work in temperatures as low as -25C. As they are a thinner liner style of glove, it is best to put another glove on top. I opt for a water proof one in the cold and that seems to do a great job without adding too much bulk. Update: After almost 4 years one of my batteries has died. It saw many uses and finally didn't hold a charge anymore. But I ordered a new one online (I live in Nova Scotia) and it arrived within a week.

  • en

    Tim Bird


    Ken and his team are very helpful and have over the five plus years that I have dealt with them have been first class in our dealings. I have had a chance to use their heated gloves and vests in beta versions as well as the most recent version and can vouch for the warmth and comfort they provide as well as the ability to work outside in the cold for extended periods. I am happy that Ken has put together great products and a group of people that has customer service as their key value. Ken personally backs up his pruducts and services. I would recommend Power in Motion for all your heated wear, electric bicycle supply and support needs.

  • en

    Cody Schroeter


    I had a lot of success working with these guys. Jerome, their mechanic, managed to install a e-bike conversion kit in a few hours with short notice. This enabled me to tick this little project off my list (fast than I expected) and get me on enjoying the experience. Overall: quality parts; good recommendations/expertise; excellent customer service. Would recommend going to see these guys.

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