TD Canada Trust de Saskatoon

CanadaTD Canada Trust



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3020, 8 Street East, S7H 0W2, Saskatoon, Division No. 11, CA Canadá
contact téléphone: +1 306-975-7260
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 52.1141567, Longitude: -106.609853

commentaires 5

  • en



    I bank here quite regularly, I consider myself to be a valued customer. I phoned the branch at 3:50PM on Sunday, 10 minutes before close, to request that if I am 30 seconds-1minute late, they hold the door for me... as I needed to make an urgent transaction. The lady said she could not make any promises. I showed up at 4:00 SHARP. Not 4:01, not 4:02, it was 4:00. The lady locked the door and would not let me in. She proceeded to unlock the door to let another customer OUT, but couldn't do me a favour and let me in. What happened to customer service?

  • en

    Mathew Tillson


    Rude service and blatant discrimination. The teller first tried to refuse me because I don't bank with them (even though any teller knows government cheques can be cashed anywhere), then assumed my government cheque wasn't legitimate and made a huge hassle, held up the line as he was the only teller working. Unacceptable and unnecessary.

  • Kyla Anderson

    Kyla Anderson


    I don’t come to this location much because there’s never enough tellers. Full line up, two tellers...I just avoid this location. Customer service is always great!

  • Geoffrey Peters

    Geoffrey Peters


    This branch and their advisors always go above and beyond to make clients feel welcome and appreciated. As they are a busy branch you have to book out appointments a couple weeks however they try to accomodate when possible!

  • Carma Daria Companiona

    Carma Daria Companiona


    Automated tellers work fine. Line ups for tellers are generally reasonable. It is very difficult to get a financial advisor to speak to you without an appointment a couple weeks or more earlier. This is frustrating. They don't answer their phone; it seems to go to a message all the time.

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