RBC Royal Bank de Saskatoon

CanadaRBC Royal Bank



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2802, 8 Street East, S7H 0V9, Saskatoon, Division No. 11, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 306-933-3655
site web: maps.rbcroyalbank.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 52.1143554, Longitude: -106.6134632

commentaires 5

  • en

    RGOC 26


    Extremely helpful & friendly staff. I was amazed at the customer service experience. My new favourite bank.

  • Sara Brown

    Sara Brown


    Actually the worst ever. Always lined up to the door with two /three tellers on max. Slowest service also. Mega lame. Do not enjoy.

  • en

    Hasib Karimi


    After being with them for years and the way they treat you. I would give them 0 stars. I advise you not to do business here. They do things without asking you. My money was moved around my accounts without asking me. Money sent without asking me. You have no control over your money.

  • pardessi bazaar

    pardessi bazaar


    Extremely understaffed and overly crowded. Every Cashier takes its sweet little time to service each customer. Does not value people’s time. Everyday wait time is not less than 20-25 min. Never recommend this branch to anyone.

  • Conor Phillips

    Conor Phillips


    Ever since the Broadway branch closed, the wait times at this branch are way worse. I'm so sick of standing in line for 20+ minutes to do a deposit (I have lots of coin rolls so I have to deposit through a teller) for my business. On top of it, I have to pay an in-branch deposit fee, while I'm the one wasting my time in line. I have no choice, because RBC doesn't offer a coin counting depositer. I'd gladly use it if they had one, particularly if it would mean I could expedite the process. A actually dread having to go here. And have considered switching EVERYTHING to anther bank. Also, they close the business teller window at 4:30 every day, which doesn't make any sense, since most businesses don't close until at least after 5. Having said that, they usually only have one business teller on at a time, so the business line tends to move slower than the general line. So I'm often torn if I should bother with the business line at all, or roll the dice with the general line. Lately I've found a few of the tellers to be cold and distant too. Not entirely rude, but not cordial and warm either. Like they're all exhausted and have zero energy for customer service niceties. Not a lot of smiles in that place. It's grim. Something has gone terribly wrong with the management of this group in the last year. None of the staff appear to really enjoy their jobs these days. That's a sign of poor leadership, and an environment that's not built on fostering job satisfaction.

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