TD Canada Trust de Saskatoon

CanadaTD Canada Trust



🕗 horaire

170, 2 Avenue South, S7K 1K5, Saskatoon, Division No. 11, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 306-975-1700
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 52.1273185, Longitude: -106.6640387

commentaires 5

  • en

    Theo S


    Extremely helpful and friendly staff that will always greet you with a smile. The manager will sometimes walk around and help people waiting in line too. One of the best in the city.

  • Fayaz Kadir

    Fayaz Kadir


    DONOT GET MORTGAGE FROM TD. THEIR MORTGAGE PRIME IS HIGHER THAN ANY OTHER BANKS!! When every other bank prime was 2.7%, their prime was 2.85% (as of Jan 2017) When Other bank prime was 2.95%, TD Mortgage prime was 3.10%. (as of Jul 2017) They are essentially screwing ALL variable mortgage customers, and possibly all other customers that have bought fixed mortgages under Interest Rate Differential payout penalty. Stay far way from TD. Go to any mortgage broker for a better deal than this place.

  • Arjun Damodar

    Arjun Damodar


    Went there when I had an discrepancy in my payments. Got it resolved in 10 minutes.

  • Kyla Anderson

    Kyla Anderson


    Been working with this bank since 2008, never had any problems with them. Only issue I have is that I wish the bank wasn't so stingy with the tellers when there's a huge line up. I get the company has a budget but really? Sometimes you can pull people from the welcome desk to speed up the line up process.

  • en

    Doug Forbes


    Best Bank I have ever used-friendly, helpful- and NO they do not keep calling if you listen and press the number to be removed. Besides that is a Independent Call center and is not the bank- THINK

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