Starbucks de Saskatoon




🕗 horaire

3160 Preston Avenue South, 110, Saskatoon, SK S7T 0V1, CanadĂĄ
contact téléphone: +1 306-952-0260
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 52.0859837, Longitude: -106.6268772

commentaires 5

  • Meri J. Joaquin

    Meri J. Joaquin


    Spacious, a little busy but it's a typical Starbucks atmosphere. Overall, quite a good place to meet with friends and chat over great beverages.

  • Greg Abramoff

    Greg Abramoff


    Good friendly service. Drinks are always uniformly the same, if not complain!

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    Timothy Abramoff


    This is a great place to visit if you want a coffee or tea. They also have a Well stocked cooler with drinks and snacks. The location is clean and pretty easy to get too. Parking is sometimes hard as it is right down town. The baristas are always friendly. This place seems to be a popular spot as it is often busy. I would recommend this place if you like expensive coffee.

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    Conrad Hildebrandt


    This Starbucks is adequate. I haven't had a drink improperly made and my drinks are made in a reasonable time. The folks who work better haven't been rude. It's a clean establishment. I come here because it's clear and not horrible.

  • Jaclyn Bartlett

    Jaclyn Bartlett


    This is one of my favourite Starbucks locations. Lots of indoor seating, friendly staff, great location. The drive thru here can be a bit slow so I usually mobile order and go in to pick up.

Café la plus proche

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