Starbucks de Fort McMurray




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112 Riverstone Ridge, 107, Fort McMurray, AB T9K 1S6, Canada
contact téléphone: +1 780-743-6331
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 56.7594834, Longitude: -111.4375723

commentaires 5

  • Helloo Bonjourr

    Helloo Bonjourr


    I’ve always ordered the same drink (matcha latte with soy milk) at the same place but today is so disappointing. It’s my birthday today and I ordered the same thing but this time in my drink, there’s a lot matcha lumps! I can’t even drink it! Is it because it’s a free drink so they do not care about the quality?

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    Dee Baragar


    The level of service and coffee has declined in the downtown location. The coffee has had a bad taste the last few times and a few of the staff make it very apparent they are not happy to be there.

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    Mike Foote


    At least three times now had to leave without my full order as they messed it up, forgot or took way too long. McD's next door better coffee anyways

  • Tricia Faye

    Tricia Faye


    Asked for a soy mocha frap. They gave me a hot one and had to make a new one..which is fine... But I didn't see the milk they used...but saw it was being made in the dairy jug... I asked if it was non dairy...she said yes... So I trusted her and went on my way.... drank 1/5th and could tell it was milk they used and not soy. My stomach is so upset right now. I will watch like a hawk from now on to be sure they don't use regular milk.

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    Ben Deneve


    I never really complain but today is the one day I will. Was into the stone creek Starbucks tonight before going to work night shift. Was in the door at 6:00pm and out the door by 6:20pm keep in mind there was not a line when I walked in the door. Ordered my drink (trainee on the till) no big deal but it took a bit to get my order right. I then waited 15 minutes for my drink to be made with whip cream and drink spilling over the top (due to another trainee making the drinks) again no big deal I cleaned it up. I walked out the door and hoped into my car started driving to work and took a sip of the drink and it tasted absolutely disgusting. So after paying 6.50$ and waiting 20 minutes for a drink that was not prepared properly I am not happy. My suggestion would be to only have one trainee start at one time not 2 trainees and one trainer trying to train both of them and they don't have a clue what they are doing. So now I get to work night shift without my caffeine or the goodness of Starbucks (yes the drink is that disgusting I refuse to drink it).

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