Blue Mountain Bistro de Fort McMurray

CanadaBlue Mountain Bistro



🕗 horaire

9909, Franklin Avenue, T9H 2K4, Fort McMurray, Division No. 16, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 587-536-8783
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 56.726573, Longitude: -111.380467

commentaires 5

  • Brett Walker

    Brett Walker


    The staff was very helpful here. I went in and asked about what snacks they had and they were able to tell me exactly when each item on their shelves was made and when it was put on display. The items I bought water delicious and the coffee is really good as well.

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    Bill Marsh


    A little coffee shop that is in a perfect place for meeting up with clients and friends. Great food and coffee.

  • Sithara Fernando

    Sithara Fernando


    Try anything on the menu it's delicious! Its gets rather warm in the restaurant when the sun is out, but in the summer the patio is great.

  • Quin Amorim

    Quin Amorim


    I love this place. The coffee is really good, and the food is awesome. It looks and feels like you are in a European Cafe

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    Christie Englouen


    On my first full day visiting my sister in Fort McMurray, we decided to have lunch here. The Pesto Chicken sandwich and Turkey soup was amazing! I also had a London Fog made with Almond Milk and I could even tell. The staff are also super friendly! I will always go here when I visit here!

Café la plus proche

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