Square-Victoria–OACI de Montreal




🕗 horaire

Montreal, QC H3B 4L6, Canada
contact téléphone: +1
site web: www.stm.info
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.501697, Longitude: -73.563831

commentaires 5

  • Sam Totah

    Sam Totah


    Huge enterprise and a good many shopping plus a major hotel. The alley is historical and majestic. Plus lots of photo opportunities and a lovely water reservoir. All to be seen and depending on time available enjoyed by sitting and walking around . access to a Victoria metro is a bonus. Would hope that the long alleys would give opportunity to display art or street art or artist rendition of use of space. You need time to explore the surroundings. The alley or corridor include coffee houses for a stop over. W.c. is accessible. Enjoy the long walks!

  • en

    Dave Hopley


    Easy to navigate, recommend take a pic of the map to carry with you for the rest of your journeys

  • Francis-Olivier Gravel

    Francis-Olivier Gravel


    One of the nicer Subway entrance in Montreal. Easy to get lost with the amount of exits however. Orange line fine access all through the city.

  • Daniel Goldwater

    Daniel Goldwater


    🚇 Many underground tunnels networking around high-end downtown business core. Clean, safe and well maintained.

  • Adam Vollelv

    Adam Vollelv


    A lot of underground tunnels conecting with place d'arme and other centres

Station de métro la plus proche

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