Guy-Concordia de Montreal



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Montreal, Québec H3H 2L5, Canada
contact téléphone: +1
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.4944934, Longitude: -73.580772

commentaires 5

  • Giniro Kitsine

    Giniro Kitsine


    So far the metro has been great! It's been clean and pretty easy to understand. The shops inside had some fun Asian bread to try.

  • Cedric Deukam

    Cedric Deukam


    Station de métro situé au centre ville de Montréal. Elle est situé au plein de l'université Guy concordia. Généralement elle est bondée aux heures de pointes. On y retrouve des panneaux de départ, des petits commerces. Les desservie par plusieurs bus à tout heure de la journée ou de la nuit. On y retrouve également un service sur place.

  • Yu Meng Chao

    Yu Meng Chao


    This station is simply confusing as hell. There are two entrances to the metro that are further apart than the train’s length. On top of that, there is simply no accurate signage. Lastly, for some reason unknown to me, that station is way warmer than other during the spring and fall period. The good thing is the fact that there is always someone playing an instrument there with decent music.

  • Varun Gupta

    Varun Gupta


    Very well located i.e. close to downtown, restaurants, grocery stores, other shops & Guy Concordia University is connected to the metro. A lot of residential buildings are close by as well. The biggest drawbacks of this metro station are that it's dirty, no elevator, and it's probably the hottest / warmest station.

  • Michel LongprĂ© Boisvert

    Michel Longpré Boisvert


    encore en construction c'est penible..

Station de métro la plus proche

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