Spinco de Ottawa



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123, Slater Street, K1P 5G4, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 613-614-6161
site web: www.spinco.ca
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.4209279, Longitude: -75.6967828

commentaires 5

  • Courtney Boyd

    Courtney Boyd


    I never EVER had done spinning before going to Spinco and the staff was so helpful and friendly! I signed up for a membership right after the first class. I am so hooked. Plus there's a puppy walking around greeting everyone most days so you get workout and dog therapy in one. Loving it so far!!

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    Michela Maria Iannetti


    I can’t express how amazing it feels to be a part of a community that is so strong and upbeat! Spinco Ottawa is full of energy that is powered by its staff and its members! Once you’re on the bike you work as one team - exceeding limits you didn’t know you had. If you’re new to spin, or want to try something new, I would highly recommend checking it out. The staff are inclusive and welcoming each person that walks through their doors. Book your bike! After one class, you will be impatiently waiting for the next ride!

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    Bre Ronquist


    I honestly can’t say enough positive things about Spinco Ottawa. I eagerly awaited the grand opening of the studio, and it completely exceeded my expectations. The studio space is modern, clean and comfortable. The skin and haircare products smell AMAZING. All that aside, what really sold me is vibe. Nicole has infectious energy both on and off the bike, and every class that I’ve taken in the last two weeks has been both challenging and inspiring. From my first visit, I felt welcomed and supported by the teaching staff and management. Everyone is friendly, inviting and exudes positive energy. It is nothing short of life-changing. Check it out if you’re looking for a solid workout and a new place to feel empowered!

  • Kimberly Fleming

    Kimberly Fleming


    SPINCO is an amazing community! I feel welcomed, and empowered to take on a class every time I walk in the studio. It's super clean and someone is always around to help you set up your bike. Since finishing my swimming career I've had a hard time getting up early again to work out but now I actually look forward to heading to the studio for those early morning rides. Leaves me feeling so excited to take on the day!

  • Kat LaFortune

    Kat LaFortune


    Love it! The studio is modern, polished, and has a great vibe. The classes are challenging, fun, and a killer workout (my booty’s never been so sore). I especially love that the bike room is dark, the music is loud, the instructors are incredible and motivating, and the staff are friendly and helpful! Couldn’t recommend this place enough if you’re looking for a fun way to get some serious cardio in your life!

Gym la plus proche

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