AP Fitness - 195 Bank de Ottawa

CanadaAP Fitness - 195 Bank



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195, Bank Street, K2P 1W7, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 613-790-8632
site web: apfitness.ca
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.417717, Longitude: -75.6981892

commentaires 5

  • en

    Will Daley


    I came to Alec six months ago as a total physical wreck: a 275-pound, 43-year-old mound of useless flesh. Children would point and laugh at me when I ever walked by them. I would try to chase them, but was too easily winded to ever catch them let alone throttle them. Which only made it worse as their laughter became louder when one of them would inevitably start making mooing sounds. Today, after six months with Alec, I am robust and healthy. I am not only capable of chasing down small children, but also hurling them into the river or other bodies of water as punishment for their cruelty. The only problem is this: the children aren't pointing and laughing at me anymore. Not at all. When I pass them by these days there is a hush that comes over them. A silent respect in their eyes as they drink in my Herculean manliness and strength. And the women! Oh the women! They throw themselves at me and beg me for children. Ok, so that last part isn't true. No women have thrown themselves at me. Other than my wife. Who totally digs me now. My point is this: Alec and his team of trainers know what they're doing and can help you reach your fitness goals. Take it from me.

  • Stefan Domaradzki

    Stefan Domaradzki


    Alec (owner) and his team of personal trainers go the extra mile to be mindful of your global health. Friendly and accommodating, easily recommendable to friends and family. Also, try the his protein powder, it's local and easy on the wallet.

  • en

    Nooreen Haider


    I have been going to APFitness for just over four months now. I was very hesitant to get started but Alec was pretty laid back when we met and I decided to bite the bullet. It was the best decision I could have made! I've lost over 40lbs in that time, and pretty sure this is the best shape I've been in my adult life. He pushes you hard, but never to a breaking point, and without being overwhelming. The half hour sessions are perfect, you get a lot out of them, but it also goes by fast! The space is not huge but has everything you need, plus especially when you're starting off, it is nice to be in a private space without too many other people around.

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    Jason F


    i am very happy that i decided to train with Alec at AP Fitness and I would absolutely recommend him to anyone who is motivated to make positive changes. I hesitated at first (i had some less then great experiences with trainers at large gyms), but Alec listened to my questions and gave honest and knowledgable answers. I was also not to sure what my overall goals really were, he helped to define these and work on a strategy to get there. He is very knowledgable, attentive, friendly and the prices are fair - really excellent value for the money. He motivates me to go further than I thought I could, at 45 years old I am now in the best shape ever and I feel healthy and strong - I really couldn’t have done it without Alec’s help and expertise. And the facility on Bank street is great - central, clean and everything you need. Thank you Alec, I’m so happy with the results!

  • en

    Courtney Lord


    I’ve been working out with Alec for nearly six months now and I recommend him to anyone who is looking for a personal trainer. He’s very professional and genuinely wants his clients to succeed. Knowing he wants you succeed and is willing to help you achieve your fitness goals makes a big difference in keeping you focused and pushing yourself to do better. I love going to this gym and I have felt 100 times better ever since I started going there. No matter how challenging the work out can be, it always feels worth it and Alec motivates me to keep improving. If you’re looking for a personal trainer, this is definitely a great place to go.

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