Sleep Country de Prince George

CanadaSleep Country



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3030, Recplace Drive, V2N 0G2, Prince George, Fraser-Fort George, CA Canadá
contact téléphone: +1 250-561-0120
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 53.8917443, Longitude: -122.7697884

commentaires 5

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    Gladys Michell


    Save your money! Don't buy from here! My back and body is killing me since we purchased this overpriced bed! They don't stand by their product nor to they answer their calls until it's too late! They offered me 50 percent off a new bed and 25 percent off one on sale. I will take my business elsewhere rather than waste it their no good over priced beds. I'll be purchasing from Costco or one of the smaller companies because they stand by what they sell!

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    Dean Pedersen


    just rude and over priced

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    K Cass


    I walked in knowing the product I wanted already. I spoke to the associate who was very informative and it seemed like the right place to be. She asked probing questions to ensure I was ready for my new set up (ie did I already have a mattress protector, sheets, etc.). She assisted me in getting everything in place for my Free Delivery. I was so excited for my bed. On delivery day, I was called 2 hours late and told they'd be here later in the day. So I waited only to get a call from the store advising my stuff wasn't on the truck. My husband and I ended up going down to the store and found that our mattress had arrived but the frame and "free pillows" did not. We ended up taking the mattress home and setting it up ourselves. As compensation the store gave us a set of free sheets and I was told the rest of my items would be by the next week. The following week I get a call and deliver men show up and give me my pillows and start unloading the frame. They come back out to tell me it was damaged and I could either keep it and void my warranty and I'd have to build it myself as it's against their policy OR I could send it back and have a new one on the next truck. I called to ensure my frame was on the next truck up and was advised no it had not been arranged to be delivered or put on the truck. Still waiting on a callback/ delivery. This is unacceptable as they are a BED STORE. I spent $1700 to be disappointed and told to wait and my only apology was a set of sheets and a "stuff happens" from the store manager. Next time I will choose another store/company. Waste of my time and money.

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    Kim Seibel


    Dont even bother! Over priced is one thing but my when I was told they would come and set up my new bed frame with mattress and take awayall the garbage; i said i would call as I'm moving and wanted it to go to my new address. They didn't wait they just wanted that billing to go through to the credit company!! They drug my landlord out of his house at 9:30 pm -citing truck broke down- and just threw a king sized mattress, box spring and bed set through out the place!! in my bedroom,hallway and kitchen! I was offered free sheets for my dissatisfaction! which is great but quit telling everyone they set it all up! Then there was a grease stain and hole in the mattress and a grease stain on the bottom of the new headboard! Had to wait a another week because they don't have local people to deliver! They come from Vancouver or Alberta! And the person that phone that delivers has such a strong accent and minimal english that you can't understand anyways! you know we have immigrant workers right here in prince george! My advice is don't bother with this company! and i will never buy another thing from them and I will research furniture companies in the future and if they are affiliated I won't buy from them either!!!!! On the upside the staff they have hired here in pg are nice.

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    Mauro Lustenberger


    Great fast friendly and competant service!! Thank you!

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