JYSK de Prince George




🕗 horaire

3900, Walls Avenue, V2N 4L4, Prince George, Fraser-Fort George, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 250-562-4200
site web: www.jysk.ca
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 53.8818745, Longitude: -122.7723616

commentaires 5

  • en

    jessica bileski


    Store is clean and staff are quick to help if you need

  • en

    sarah trobacher


    Great prices, modern, good customer service, lots of parking.

  • DoJo Berry

    DoJo Berry


    First time I've been to this store since they renovated and it's such an easier shopping experience as I could find what I was looking for easier and there is so much more to look at. Great service from the team there and happy with my purchases. Best place in the area for drapery for sure.

  • en

    Claus Schlueter


    Sales clerks will sell you something if you REALLY want it...if you persist and keep asking they'll look up from their phone and serve you..IF and only if you ask the right questions. Fist response is "no, we don't have it" I guess the store has neither a database nor an electronic inventory.....? Ordered and paid for a mirror. Some weeks later was called and told mirror was in. Happened to be near the store with my truck, but left receipt at home. Was given the cold shoulder when I tried to pick it up.....what was the name of the article? how much did it cost ? (a voice from somewhere yelled out "he didn't buy it here..we don't have mirrors that cost that much ")...really ? They called me! Don't they have a record of who they called? Eventually they contacted the Shipper via portable radio.....yes, he had my mirror ! Great! Did they have another one the same ? (then we could have the same mirror in both bathrooms). Twenty questions later, yes they had two more in stock. Paid for second mirror. Did they bring them out to me ? No, I had to drive around to the shipping dock. I asked the Shipper if we could open the cartons to check the articles ( some of the display mirrors had chipped corners ) Grudgingly, he opened the cartons, and they were fine. Nice mirrors at a good price. Service not so much.

  • en

    sarah brown


    Ordered four display cases from them, they didn't call when they arrived and sold 2 of them to someone else. Apparently they have no computer system that keeps track of what they order for people. Ended up waiting about 4 months to get all of the cases. When we picked them up their shipping guy was extremely rude and when we complained to their manager she pretty much said it was not his fault he was rude and she wasn't even going to talk to him. Two of the cases were fine when we put them together, the third part of the frame was bent...but we managed to straighten it out. And the forth. It is completely missing half of the damn frame. NEVER buying anything from this store again. The whole experience has been unacceptable and I do not really understand how they have a customer base.

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