Shoppers Drug Mart i Ottawa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaShoppers Drug Mart



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50, Rideau Street, K1N 9J7, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 613-236-2533
internet side:
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Latitude: 45.4259047, Longitude: -75.6916623

kommentar 5

  • en

    Mujtaba Al-Dabagh


    I had a specific situation and I had Kathy the Cosmetic Manager demonstrate some of the best customer service I've ever experienced. The whole team is super friendly at this location and they're mature and really care for the customers experience. I highly recommend Kathy and her team to anyone looking to be served right.

  • Ibraheem Aziz

    Ibraheem Aziz


    They have self-checkouts which are helpful

  • Lauryn Campbell

    Lauryn Campbell


    Really disappointed with the service I received. I wanted to buy a concealer, and I asked one of the cosmeticians to make a recommendation. The blonde cosmetician immediately asked me my budget solely based on my looks to which I replied 30$. Then she lied and said there was no concealer under 30$, and directed me to the drug store section. If you don't want an easy commission, direct me to someone who does rather than humiliating me.

  • Aster Aliu

    Aster Aliu


    Terrible staff. The parking situation is weird, they make you submit your car information at the door or else you get a ticket... sometimes you just wanna go in quickly to grab something for 5 minutes... entering your car information takes another 10 minutes... this discourages me from going to that location.

  • Ethan Smith

    Ethan Smith


    Had to make a quick run in here for some meds. Didn't know where they were but asked the pharmacist and she knew exactly where to direct me. This location has self checkouts that were easy and quick to use. Clean store, friendly staff.

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