Rexall Drugstore i Ottawa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaRexall Drugstore



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407 Laurier Ave W, Unit # 24,25&26, Ottawa, ON K1R 7Y7, Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 613-782-2332
internet side:
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Latitude: 45.417782, Longitude: -75.7020454

kommentar 5

  • en

    Stephan Pigeon


    Quick courteous service

  • Emma



    The prices of all items over the counter are surprisingly very high, compared to other drug stores. I do not understand why though. Check before you buy anything.

  • en

    Mischief Managed


    Was sick and needed meds to get through the day at work. The door says open at 7:30 and they couldn't even stick to that.

  • Misty Dawn

    Misty Dawn


    Convient to go here. Prices in flyer do not update in the system yet.

  • en

    Garry Poneris


    Rudeness leads to lost of business. Worker who was closing down shop (potentially the owner or manager) was very rude in shooing us out. If he had politely notified us that it was about time to close and if we had found what we were looking for, we would have bought some items instead of just walking out unhappily. We ended up going to another drug store to purchase these items. I am certain that we will not be returning and will not support Rexall at this location.

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