Shoppers Drug Mart de Thunder Bay

CanadaShoppers Drug Mart



🕗 horaire

425, North Edward Street, P7C 4P7, Thunder Bay, Thunder Bay District, CA Canadá
contact téléphone: +1 807-475-5385
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 48.3930634, Longitude: -89.2794713

commentaires 5

  • arlene lockman

    arlene lockman


    Sometimes the checkout lines are slow and long but staff is friendly and there's a post office in the back. They have good sales and it's very convenient to have a drugstore with all their products in walking distance.

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    hameed syed


  • en

    Tyler g


    Small selection, but good location. Lots of parking. Pharmacy on site. They offer flue shots on certain times of the year. A few prescription issues over the last few years. Lots of new faces regularly. It it's a grocery item an is on sale or clearance, it's either expiring that day or the next or past date but not parishable.

  • Anthony Aloye Oghieakhe

    Anthony Aloye Oghieakhe


    Very nice

  • en

    S. Martin


    Good location. Friendly customer service.

Pharmacie la plus proche

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