Shoppers Drug Mart de Thunder Bay

CanadaShoppers Drug Mart



🕗 horaire

300, Memorial Avenue, P7B 3Y2, Thunder Bay, Thunder Bay District, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 807-343-3010
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 48.4280422, Longitude: -89.2347684

commentaires 5

  • Catherine Hardy

    Catherine Hardy


    I have not one thing bad to say about any of the workers except 1 pharmacist. He's rude and he even mocked me when i was leaving. Any new prescription I pick up from there, he gives me a hard time! Im definitely looking into switching pharmacies.. :(

  • amanda talarico

    amanda talarico


    Terrible post office services. I mailed out my OSAP papers using this post office. They stamped it, but the OSAP office did not receive my papers. I called the post office several times to figure out what went wrong and the lady would say (in a rude tone) “I have to go through the papers, I will call you back” .... and she would never call me back. I wasn’t sending out some birthday card, these were important documents that gave me access to money. To this day no one has followed up with me. I ended up using a different post office out of the city to submit my documents. If you’re a student, use this service with caution and follow up with the status of your documents!

  • Kelsey Agnew

    Kelsey Agnew


    Easypix print station would show many of my photos, loaded from a usb stick, as completely blank.

  • en

    Brian Villella


    The service is great. I really like the sales that r on the sat.& sun.

  • cy



    Pharmacy staff are quick and kind. Cosmetics counter is always welcoming to checkout my purchases. I enjoy shopping here.

Pharmacie la plus proche

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