Shark Club Victoria de Victoria

CanadaShark Club Victoria



🕗 horaire

2852, Douglas St W, V8T 3M5, Victoria, Capital, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 250-386-5888
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 48.4397485, Longitude: -123.3681328

commentaires 5

  • en

    Eff Eevans


    I went into the liquor store the other week and picked out a tall bomber bottle of beer. The price it scanned in was different than the price on the label and the manager Douglas didn't even mention it. He kept scanning the item and just rang it through without mentioning it. Unfortunately I was in a big rush and didn't notice until I was downtown. With many other liquor stores around this neighbourhood I think it'd be just best to avoid this seedy spot.

  • Scott Van Achte

    Scott Van Achte


    Stopped in for a few hours, played several games of pool, drank a bunch of beer, and to top it off we won $1000 playing Keno! Had an awesome night here and would certainly go back!

  • en

    mike perrins


    Not the swankiest but food is good and so is staff.

  • Jeff Schouwstra

    Jeff Schouwstra


    Great food, excellent service. Our server Laura was absolutely fabulous. My hockey group are regulars on Wednesday nights after our games and we specifically look for Laura's section. This establishment is highly recommended.

  • Nicholas Glover

    Nicholas Glover


    I have generally always had good service here. The food is a 3 star. Nothing special. For whatever reason, and my buddies agree, the beer is a little on the warm side.. not sure if that’s how they have their kegs set or not. Get a booth, the chairs need replacing. In the summer, it can get pretty hot. Decent place to grab a beer. Been to better Shark Clubs, but this gets the job done.

Boîte de nuit la plus proche

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