Copper Owl de Victoria

CanadaCopper Owl



🕗 horaire

1900, Douglas Street, V8T 4K8, Victoria, Capital, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 778-265-1774
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 48.431484, Longitude: -123.364925

commentaires 5

  • en

    K Rae


    Went to a heavy metal showcase here. It was decent. They had booze, and seats. Not much else to comment really. The stage wasn't much of a stage at all. Sound quality was ok.

  • Tammy Cardinal

    Tammy Cardinal


    I was only here once a few years ago for a drag show and it was amazing I had the best time and the food wasn't so bad either actually pretty damn good the gravy and Fries Yum

  • Erica Fritch

    Erica Fritch


    Nice atmosphere. Great Christmas craft fair in December

  • en

    Kimberly Wilson


    Great little space for live music. Very unique older style and good drinks. Definitely a fun and low key place to hang out.

  • en



    Nice place. Drinks are a little overpriced but it's a good venue with good entertainment

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