Send Flowers to Calgary de Calgary

CanadaSend Flowers to Calgary



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315 - 8 AVE SW, Downtown, Calgary, AB T2P 3E0, Canadá
contact téléphone: +1
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 51.045547, Longitude: -114.068974

commentaires 5

  • Marley HeavyShield

    Marley HeavyShield


    very helpful staff, delivered right on time and the flowers are beautiful and last! would definitely go to them again in the future

  • en

    Farah Sayegh


    Honestly one of the best flowers I ordered in Calgary ! Definitely worth what I paid for

  • fr

    Maha Yacoub


    Quand je visitais ma fille àToronto, j'ai envoyé un bouquet de fleurs pour mon amie à Calgary pour son anniversaire. Je n'ai pas vu les fleurs, mais mon amie était très impressionnée par l'arrangement des fleurs très fraîches et belles. J'étais très ravis,je vais certainement les recommandés à mes amis.

  • Mina Bekhit

    Mina Bekhit


    At every time I travel abroad, I send several times flowers to my wife. The flowers are colorful, we'll arranged, fresh and last more than 2 weeks. The customer service is helpful and friendly. I love the fast and wide range delivery, the fair prices and the flowers collection for every all occasions. The balloons and chocolate are good. I recommend to buy from this florist birthday flowers, love and romance flowers, Christmas flower and every day flowers. Thanks guys.

  • Boules Antonious

    Boules Antonious


    Best florist in the town. I have used them for years to send flowers to my clients all over Calgary. I totally recommend this website

Fleuriste la plus proche

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