Panda Flowers de Calgary

CanadaPanda Flowers



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1220 centre street N E, Calgary, AB T2E 2R4, Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 403-662-7673
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 51.0631811, Longitude: -114.0622439

commentaires 5

  • en

    Christy Seyler


    Did not receive what was ordered. Got the wrong type of flowers and ordered best size and got good size even though they charged me $110. Flowers are wilted and not a nice arrangement at all. No response from store when I emailed them pictures of the difference. Do not shop here! Update- company contacted me and resent another bouquet the following day. The second bouquet was more of what I was expecting. The whole situation was not ideal but I appreciated the fact that they rectified the situation. I have changed to a 5 star.

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    james jin


    Panda flowers is a fantastic flower shop , this shop has got a lot of character to it. The service is excellent and if they don't have exactly what you're looking for, they will custom-make the bouquet of your dreams. The prices are insanely reasonable and their arrangements are unique and eye-catching. Though Valentine and Mothers day may be a little pricy but which shop doesnt have a high price at that time? LOL

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    Vicky Xin


    I've been the lucky recipient of Panda's Flower arrangements on many occasions, and each one has been fresh, unique, and just plain gorgeous -- most lasted nearly two weeks, the rest always over one week. From a happy girlfriend's point of view: highly recommended flower shop for all occasions -- especially when you just want to brighten someone's day.

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    Caitlyn Jin


    great customer service, fowers are always fresh and was delivered on time everytime i order from here. Would definitely be my favourite flower shop:)

  • Emily Hess

    Emily Hess


    Very disappointed with my order. When I shopped the competition up the st. the prices and arrangements were much better. I should've looked before ordering. Won't be using again.

Fleuriste la plus proche

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