Saxony Motel de Chatham-Kent

CanadaSaxony Motel


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521, Grand Avenue East, N7L 3Z2, Chatham-Kent, Chatham-Kent Division, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 519-354-4881
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 42.4195636, Longitude: -82.173375

commentaires 5

  • en

    Miss Glowstick


    Love coming here. Very clean. Friendly. Great prices. I always stay here whenever I'm in the area. :)

  • en



    Great place to stay. Ken is one of the friendliest people to meet very helpful and very polite. As always room was nice and clean. See you next time.

  • Emily L

    Emily L


    When looking at it from the outside I thought to myself, great, another motel that is the old fashion that is probably crappy inside. We pull in the driveway and there is people working on renovations. We get to our room & the rooms are nice. I could not believe it. This motel is definately a place you can use the phrase "Don't judge a book by its cover" Please check out their website to prove I am not making this up. The room with the red/orange wall is the room we stayed in. Very nice furniture and the bed spread looked great!

  • Jack Weller

    Jack Weller


    Clean rooms and a great price. Don't under estimate this place. I have stayed here a number of times over the last year and have always had friendly checkins and easy checkout. I highly recommend this establishment when needing the basics of sleep comfort

  • Tweeta Fa neeta

    Tweeta Fa neeta


    I would like to give this motel a high rating as my family and I were treated with so much respect. The owner is great, accommodating and makes sure you enjoy your stay. Comfortable bed, very clean and they have fresh Timmys in the morning

Lodging la plus proche

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