Royal BANK 1932 Florentine hall de Vancouver

CanadaRoyal BANK 1932 Florentine hall



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675, West Hastings Street, V6B 1N2, Vancouver, Greater Vancouver, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.2853229, Longitude: -123.1133965

commentaires 5

  • Larysse Nunes

    Larysse Nunes


    Worst location. Nobody wants to help you and the security is 100% arrogant and rude.

  • Umut Turnali

    Umut Turnali


    Long waiting time, short staff. If you have limited time try different branches. Nice bulding though.

  • en

    Megan Rowe


    Such a beautiful building and that super sweet security guard always makes me feel likes he's so happy to see me 😄

  • en

    Elliott Bolton


    Poor service from a large bank. Queued for 45 minutes as there was simply not enough staff working. Only to be told when I got to the teller that they had ran out of temporary cheques. How is that possible from a downtown main branch of a large bank?! No apology was made and they could not provide me with any details as to whether any other nearby branches had also ran out.. so no way of telling if I had to waste my time again.

  • Hrishi Tiwari

    Hrishi Tiwari


    Wonderful initial and follow up service by Seon at this branch. She is the best!

Banque la plus proche

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