RBC Royal Bank de Vancouver

CanadaRBC Royal Bank



🕗 horaire

1025, West Georgia Street, V6E 3N9, Vancouver, Greater Vancouver, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 604-665-6991
site web: maps.rbcroyalbank.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.2849719, Longitude: -123.1212365

commentaires 5

  • Mahsa Salehi

    Mahsa Salehi


    They have the best staff in RBC Royal Centre branch. I woudl like to specially thank Alyssa Ryan the Banking Advisor in this branch. She helped me with a lot today.

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    Matthew Tkachuk


    RBC creates a system of revolving debt for it's customers with high interest Visa cards and unlimited layered service charges to Service their bottom line. You can almost see the blood dripping from the walls a minute you walk in. For customers who want to create wealth and remove debt they create a system of hoops to jump through and deny Services and opportunities to those needed it. rbc creates a profile of each customer that shows who genrate the most micome for them and limits their Service to make sure they make the most money out of you. by keeping the employees naĂŻve and following as strict Business policy they will help you make poor banking decisions only to fit rbc's bottom line. customer service has been downgraded to an online systum removing humans to save money. it doesn't function very well or clearly. To the point where there's no customer service at all. You might as well be talking to a brick wall. I would recommend saving your money in a box at home you'll save more money then putting it a bank.

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    James Hourston


    At the main branch my card was taken as the chip was faulty and a new one ordered. Dec 13 th. No temp card was offered. Again an inquerie at the hornby branch a card ordered and no ffer of a temp card. Its Feb 6

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    Jonathan Dillard


    The letter they send out for pre-approved $10,000 Line of Credit, saying come in, you are already approved. Is nothing more than JUNK MAIL! I have great credit and got the letter. Went in to activate it, at this Branch, but they had to re verify and approve everything they said or they could not give the offered already approved Line of Credit. Disgusted with the Junk Mail (the pre approved letter), to get me in their office, I walked out very upset and totally had my time wasted. Some kind of sub prime trick used on people with solid beacon scores. Avoid these games and lies at all cost! I would never trust them after that. Not like a normal Canadian Bank, no conscience.

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    Mehrdad Fahim


    My worst experience in my life dealing with the mortgage department. I blame mostly their system which is an absolute distrust, disrespect and torture towards their customers. It is more than 3 weeks and they are still evaluating my file and every time they delay it for a few more days for example to find out if my car lease payment for less than $130 per month is monthly or semi-monthly. I have already canceled my purchase agreement.

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