Riverside Drugstore de Ottawa

CanadaRiverside Drugstore



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1919, Riverside Drive, K1H 7W9, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 613-523-3066
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.3970416, Longitude: -75.6684418

commentaires 4

  • Stephan Prystanski

    Stephan Prystanski


    Paul the pharmacist is super awesome, friendly, professional, kind and generous. I hate going to other pharmacies on the week-end when he is closed.

  • Paul Williams

    Paul Williams


    Never in my life have I had such an incredible Pharmacist. To say that Paul goes above and beyond is just not enough of a compliment. He is the 'Gatekeeper' that monitors the ever increasing number of meds I am prescribed to insure there are no bad interactions. AND... He has been an incredible advocate for me in dealing w/ 'Big Pharma' and helping me to gain access to their special assistance programs. He has even provided me, out of his own pocket, a package of nicotine patches so that I would not run out while waiting for my money to come in. I could go on w/ more examples, but I believe you get the picture. I feel that he is someone who honestly cares and wants to help wherever he can. He also has delivery service!

  • Mike Jones

    Mike Jones


    Fast service, friendly staff. Jason and his staff go above and beyond what any pharmacy staff would do. While my health was at it's worst and I was unable to pick up my medication they would deliver on short notice or if I forgot to call ahead for my blister packs they would prepare them on short notice. A+++ Pharmacy.

  • en

    Eric Pond



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