Malak and Sons de Ottawa

CanadaMalak and Sons



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1216, Bank Street, K1S 3Y1, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canadá
contact téléphone: +1 613-668-3073
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.3914804, Longitude: -75.6811092

commentaires 5

  • en

    Ji Yoo


    It was AMAZING. It will take you to the Spanish Steps in Rome when you first taste their gelato/sorbet! Super delicious and authentic.

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    Andrew Froh


    I had a sample of a variety of flavours from Malak and Sons and I can guarantee that you've never had a lemon sorbet or a hazelnut gelato like this before. Issa and Rabih are putting their hearts into their home-made products and it shows!

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    Suehila Elkateb


    One of the oldest, if not the oldest Middle Eastern desserts place in Ottawa. The best hands down. The butter and fresh baking beckon you as you walk in!

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    Akiko Nonaka


    I sampled every single flavour that was displayed at the Ottawa Lebanese Festival in August of 2017 (was surprised that they let me!). They were all good, but Hazelnut was heavenly!!! It was so rich and creamy and flavourful. It tasted almost like chocolate. I enjoyed a small piece of Baklava on top of the scoop as well. Great gelato, great smile from the staff! I gladly support this small local business which just opened a new chapter in its long history.

  • Aatik Chopra

    Aatik Chopra


    Very service oriented. Essa insisted that I try half of the flavours, and was patient with me the whole time during a lineup. The saffron flavour reminded me of Kulfi. As a fellow Indian, this won my heart over. I am in love.

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